About Us

Here at Sedalia Elementary, mental wellness and sustainability thrive together. Our students come from a diverse area and bring a rich cultural and economic diversity most other schools in the district cannot offer. The diversity of our population is an asset and gives us real world learning through understanding different cultures and working to include everyone in an engaging learning environment. Kids at Sedalia are among the most accepting and empathetic group you will find anywhere!

We provide our students with the ability, tools, and skills to be empowered environmental stewards. Students learn about composting, sorting lunch waste, caring for garden beds and pollinator gardens, and nurturing our flock of chickens.

Our mental health team includes a full-time counselor, psychologist, and behavior technician. The team responds first to any behavioral issues, dramatically reducing suspensions and referrals. We also partner with Playworks, a nonprofit that helps kids explore different kinds of play and enjoy movement.

Jeff Johnson

5449 N. Huxtable St, Sedalia, CO 80135

Phone: 303-387-5500

Fax: 303-387-5501

Attendance Phone: 303-387-5502

Email: [email protected]

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Green Ribbon Schools logo 

The Green Ribbon Schools award recognizes achievement in the following three areas: Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs, Improved Health and Wellness, and Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education.