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At Sedalia Elementary, we know that every one of our students is unique with different interests, strengths, and goals. They learn in their own ways and at their own pace. For that reason we are committed to not only personalizing learning to meet their specific needs, but also to providing information needed so that families can support and encourage continued growth. That is why DCSD is working to rebuild the Elementary Progress Report (EPR).
The updated EPR will provide the same information parents are accustomed to about academic content, such as progress on reading, writing, and math skills. It will still use a four-point scale for grading, as well as report on attendance and behavior. Additionally, it will now provide parents with information about how students are doing on the district's World Class Outcomes and the 4Cs (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration), as well as 21st century skills that are integrated into student learning.
Our goal: Increased partnership with families
By redesigning the EPR, we hope to help families understand where their child’s successes are, as well as to uncover opportunities for continued practice and growth, and ultimately to partner with families to champion student success and prepare them for college and career. Teachers will also have the ability to customize reporting to match the student’s personalized learning. If the child is excelling for example, then the teacher may pull in content that is usually taught at a higher grade level so the child may work through the same World Class Outcome as everyone else, but the content may be more advanced. This report card will allow teachers to communicate progress toward any of the 4 components of the Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, even if differentiated for a child's specific needs.
Accessing the new Elementary Progress Report (EPR)
Parents/Guardians will access the Elementary Progress Report (EPR) through the new EngagED Parent Dashboard at The EngagED Parent Dashboard is an effort to unify the parent experience and partner with parents/guardians to provide relevant district applications and resources, such as the Elementary Progress Report for our elementary families. Parents/Guardians will access the dashboard using the same username and password from the IC Parent Portal.

After logging in, parents/guardians will see a student card with links to district tools specific to the student, such as Open Enrollment and the Elementary Progress Report (EPR). Each student will have a separate card.
To learn more about Douglas County School District's GVC (Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum), 21st Century Skills, Content, 4C's, World Class Outcomes, please click here...